INFORMATION ABOUT US is a site operated by Lavender Green Limited (we). We are registered in England and Wales under company number 02908107 and with our registered office and main trading address at 17-18 Bridgewater Way, Windsor, Berkshire, SL4 1RL.. Our VAT number is 538 0280 53.

Any queries should regarding online products should be directed to the store: Lavender Green Flowers โ€“ 239 Kings Road, London, SW3 5EJ โ€“ 0207 127 5303

1.1 All Products on this website (which may vary from time to time) will be subject to delivery costs

1.2 Some Products, Flowers and Plants may be harmful or poisonous, if you require further information before submitting an order please contact us

1.3 All Products are subject to availability. In the event that the Product cannot be supplied for reasons beyond our control, including but not limited to, the unavailability of the Product, we reserve the right to substitute the Product or part of it with a product of equivalent value and style

1.4 In the event that we are unable to supply the Product or any substitute product to you at all, we shall notify you as soon as is reasonably possible and shall reimburse your payment in full

2.1 Prices listed within the Service are valid for a maximum of 14 days from submitting your order

2.2 Prices include the prevailing rate of VAT

2.3 Prices of any Products will be as quoted on our site except in cases of obvious error.

2.4 Prices are liable to change at any time, but changes will not affect orders in respect of which we have already confirmed

3.1 During order submission you shall be required to provide us with your personal details, including accurate postcode, together with those of the intended recipient and all necessary payment details. We accept payment by most major credit and debit cards. By confirming the order you are consenting to be bound by our terms and conditions contained in these Terms and Conditions and appearing anywhere on the Online site.

3.2 We cannot accept Order Forms from customers under the age of eighteen (18) years.

4.1 Our delivery service is only within the United Kingdom.

4.2 On acceptance by us of your Order Form we will advise you by e-mail confirmation of the intended delivery date. We will process Order Forms received on Sundays or Public Holidays the next working day. We do not deliver on Sundays or public holidays but in this case we will deliver the Product you request on the next working day.

4.3 Anomalies in your submitted personal details may lead to problems or delays in delivery, so before placing your order, please ensure that you have included the full address details, including accurate postcode of the intended recipient and your daytime contact telephone number or e-mail address so that we can notify you in the event that any delivery problems are encountered.

4.4 Whilst we agree to use all reasonable endeavours to ensure that delivery will be on the requested delivery date you acknowledge that in very occasional circumstances delivery on the requested terms will not be possible. In such circumstances you will be given prior notice wherever possible and we shall either make alternative arrangements or shall reimburse your payment in full.

4.5 In case of delivery to certain locations where a third party is involved, such as offices, hospitals, airports, hotels, ships and other business locations, the signature of any person authorised to accept delivery on behalf of the organisation shall be accepted as proof of delivery to your chosen recipient.

4.6 Please note that we are only responsible for delivering against signature to the address you quote (or an imminent neighbour if no one is at home) we regret that where goods have been correctly delivered we can not accept responsibility if the intended recipient has moved, or lives elsewhere, and the actual received refuses or fails to return item(s).

4.7 Where the carrier is unable to find someone to accept delivery they will either deliver to a neighbour or leave a card at the address for the recipient to make contact.

4.8 In the instance of there being difficulties in delivering your order to the intended recipient we reserve the right to contact the recipient using the contact details you provide on the Order Form. Please ensure all special delivery instructions are noted in the special notes area when ordering.

5.1 To amend or cancel your order, please contact us (As outlined above)

6.1 Complaints should be directed to 239 Kings Road, London, SW3 5EJ or email [email protected] with details of your order including both the address of order and name of recipient.  Please ensure complaints are logged within 24 hours of order with accompanying photographic evidence where required.

7.1 Your purchase will be deemed to have occurred in the UK. These Terms and Conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with English Law and the parties agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts