Delphinium Bouquet


Our Delphinium Bouquet, crafted from a single variety of delicate delphiniums, is an elegant arrangement that showcases the exquisite beauty of each stem. The arrangement highlights the individual charm of every stem, with soft violet hues that transition seamlessly up the spire of blossoms. Ideal for adding a serene touch to a living room or…



Our Delphinium Bouquet, crafted from a single variety of delicate delphiniums, is an elegant arrangement that showcases the exquisite beauty of each stem. The arrangement highlights the individual charm of every stem, with soft violet hues that transition seamlessly up the spire of blossoms. Ideal for adding a serene touch to a living room or bringing a refined beauty to a bedside table, our Delphinium Bouquet transforms any space into a haven of tranquility.

Medium size pictured.


Additional information


light to deep purple (as pictured)


We offer next and named day delivery across London and the United Kingdom, 7 days a week. Please note that flowers are not delivered with a vase unless the vase option is selected.


Your Lavender Green flower delivery is sourced directly from responsible growers, ensuring the freshest blooms. To prolong their beauty, follow these steps:

– Re-cut the stems at a 45ยฐ angle to encourage better water absorption.
– Place the stems in a clean vase with freshly-drawn, lukewarm water as soon as possible.
– Remove any leaves that sit below the water line.
– Keep the flowers away from direct sunlight, drafts, and extreme temperatures.
– Regularly change the water to keep your flowers happy and healthy.