Being a relative new boy to Lavender Green it was with great anticipation that I waited for the summer season to kick in to action. As anyone who works in events would be able to tell you, summer is what is commonly known as silly season, but this has been overshadowed by the beautiful blooms that also have come to join us during our time of silliness.
With outdoor-events season in our midst, the season kicks off with what can only be explained as a wonderful palate or inspiration where we support with the corporate hospitality at Chelsea Flower Show. Walking though the gardens it was clear to see the great and the good had created wonderful displays of seasonal and unique varieties that question the status quo of planting and colourways, to name but a few the flowers that really stuck out as winners for me where the lupins and foxgloves, so much so that we decided to incorporate them into our South Kensington Store, bringing a little British grown elegance and celebrating seasonality. The magical stems of colour create moments of calm in what can be a very busy world and give what seems like effortless glamour with minimal effort. Another contender where the Alliums and sneaking up with perhaps bronze award is Lilly of the Valley, a flower that we love to incorporate in to bridal bouquets but a flower none the less that can look beautiful on its own, simple, elegant and sophisticated.

The vibe during Chelsea Flower Show week is infectious, it brings everyone together and allows flowers to be in the spotlight, with the addition of Chelsea in Bloom which allows the public to sample their own flower show as they walk down Kings Road. We were lucky enough to be involved with helping Rigby and Peller dress their shop window and were thrilled when they were awarded a SILVER for the installation. Reflecting on the different displays allows us to test and push barriers of design that can be translated into events, as with all events we strive to offer a unique and bespoke displays we hope surprise and delight and allow that ever-important Instagram moment!

The season now continues with sporting events where we balance the desirable with the deliverable and continue our quest to surprise and delight. This is done by a selection of hanging installations, large set designs, planting and of course wonderful table displays. Our next stop is the Fever Tree Championship at Queens Tennis Club closely followed by Royal Ascot week, topping of the sporting events with Wimbledon Tennis.
We will aim to keep you all up to date with our adventures on our Social channels, so keep your eyes peeled for tales of success and wins… both sporting and business.
I hope you all have a wonderful summer and look forward to seeing you all soon,
Colin Gray