Mondial Bouquet


By only sourcing the very best Ecuadorian Pink Mondial Roses, we combine this large headed T Rose with a delicate collection of foliageโ€™s and grasses to frame the blush tones, and create a pink rose bouquet that is full of texture and the only bouquet to send if โ€˜pastel perfectionโ€™ is the only statement required.…

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Ecuadorian Roses are grown in the Pichincha province in the Andes Mountains, at an altitude between 2,800 and 3000 meters above sea level. The soil benefits from volcanic ash, with warm days and cool nights, these natural and sustainable elements mean an extended lifespan and head sizes up to 1โ€ wider than other market varieties.

Kindly take note that the bouquet featured in the image represents a 24 roses bouquet . Although we strive to procure the exact ingredients, on occasion, our florists may need to substitute an item of higher monetary value. If you have specific requirements regarding the flower content, please reach out to our head office to ensure your complete satisfaction with your purchase.

Every Lavender Green Flowers bouquet is meticulously designed and handcrafted in our London workshop, using the finest flowers sourced from trusted growers and suppliers. Upon receiving your product, please unpack it, trim the stems, and place it in fresh water in a cool environment to enhance its longevity, all while knowing that your bouquet will be delivered in fully recyclable gift packaging.

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