An English hydrangea bouquet is a charming and elegant arrangement that exudes timeless beauty. The bouquet features clusters of hydrangea blooms in autumnal shades, such as pink, red, purple and a touch of green. Each bloom is composed of numerous delicate petals, creating a lush and voluminous appearance. This bouquet is perfect for adding a touch of sophistication to any setting.
Large ‘The English Hydrangea’ Photographed.
If a pictured product Variety is unavailable, our expert florists will substitute it with a variety of equal or higher value. For specific variety content requirements, please call our head office to ensure complete satisfaction with your purchase. Due to the natural variations in flowers, expect slight differences in size and colour throughout the season.
We source your flower delivery directly from responsible growers to ensure the freshest blooms. At Lavender Green, we take immense pride in our floral craftsmanship. Our commitment to quality goes beyond aestheticsโwe want your flowers to bring joy for days. Follow our care steps, and your flowers should last 5-7 days. If you notice any issues, please contact us. All bouquets in our range are able for personalisation, please contact the store for any special requests. Our bouquet catalogue is available for local and national delivery, or collection from our Kings Road store, Monday to Saturday, subject to availability.
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